Online reputation management

Online reputation management has become an important aspect of the business and affects sales margins. Companies are vulnerable to clients attacks and reviews online which taints their brand image and reputation. Clients get frustrated on the poor services they receive from businesses and write bad reviews online. Companies tends not to respond to negative Google reviews which directly impacts rankings. Online Free Vouchers  created an adaptive online reputation management strategy that helps companies maintain negative reviews online and build a solid reputation online. 

Don’t worry about your reputation, worry about your character. You see, reputation is what people think you are. Character is what you really are. – Author unknown.This is nice. But search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo doesn’t see character – it see’s negative posts online and it ranks Twitter #brandfails higher up on search engine results than your website’s About Us page. So how can online reputation management help you?

Online Reputation

How online reputation management evolved?

Word of mouth is still one of the most effective methods of advertising, but today this happens online. The internet has given the people power to learn about new products, services and companies through consumer generated content and not necessarily from the information you are pushing out into the internet. They say bad news travels more than the good news which is true. Clients are often more exposed to reading bad reviews than reading the good news about companies.

Online reputation management isn’t only about steamrolling negative comments, Tweets or posts on the internet. It starts with listening to the online conversation around your brand, understanding what people are saying and why, and finally interacting with your online community to mitigate the damage to your brand. This sounds simple – but it takes a lot of dedicating “online listening” and engagement.

Online Free Vouchers  online reputation management consultants will take an active role in monitoring what’s being said about you online. We will also have an action plan in place to sort out any negative comments, queries or other issues – giving you an opportunity to respond and correct any situation.

Speak to Online Free Vouchers today to find out how you can benefit from our online reputation management expertise.